Welcome to FitBrain™ the FUN, safe brain development centre, providing exceptional Brain Fitness training for those interested in individualised learning!
Brain exercising/training is for everyone, but most of us only learn the importance of keeping our brain fit and healthy once we have a problem.
So, what exactly is brain fitness training?
Work WITH your brain to acquire the skills you want or need
Brain Booster
Is it time for some brain aerobics? For those wanting to boost their mental sharpness before returning ‘back-to-school’, ‘return-to-work’, post-pregnancy fogginess, Corporate Wellness, or JUST BECAUSE you want to boost your current brain performance to the next level.
Developing the Young Brain
Helping kids/teens overcome learning difficulties that impact reading, working memory, following directions, spelling, comprehension, etc.
Why do some children struggle in the classroom and others do not?
The Brain in Recovery
Help combat the effects on the brain caused by health-related cognitive decline due to illness, stress, medication/drugs, brain injury, stroke, chemo brain, fog brain and more.
Better Brain Performance = Better Life
Rejuvenating the Brain – Over 50’s
Reclaim your youthful brain power. Cognitive decline is a naturally occurring phenomenon that can be rejuvenated with a fit brain. Get back your vitality for life zapped by the effects of naturally occurring age-related cognitive decline with some brain exercises. See and feel the difference for yourself.
It’s FUN so give it a try!
a little bit about
Brain exercises, brain training and brain games
There’s a big difference between a digital ‘brain game’ and a cognitive learning activity delivering the brain system to a higher level.
Not all brain training programs are the same. Neuroscience evidence-based, cognitive skills training is sharing an industry (and often a label) with digital brain games designed for entertainment. This can create an inaccurate response to the very important question, “Does brain training work?”